Operation Concrete

Now I’ve got my new Nikon D40 SLR, I’m carrying on with expanding my efforts into other creative areas. The other night I went down to London’s Southbank, awesome place architecturally, especially, if like me, you’re into brutalism.

I’ve uploaded some of the better images I got to my Flickr account, which I’m now going to start using as an actual medium for photo uploads, rather than a random place to store random images.

Some examples are below. I’ve not edited any of the images at all. I thought about reducing noise and adjusting brightness, contrast etc, but fuck it, I think they look quite good. It was really enjoyable, I’ve never been any good at photography before, but it’s not stopped me enjoying it. Now I might take it a bit more seriously, I think I can get some interesting stuff done.

I think the photography side of things is helping me open up my eyes a bit more as well. I certainly notice more now that I’m sometimes thinking, ‘what at this angle, what with this light setting, what with this and that’. So, expect more photography of London architecture at night in the near future, once I’ve got a handle on that I think I’ll try my hand at humans.

Click to view the full set

Also, from here on in I’m going to drop the ‘Aspirers Mark’ as the blog has moved beyond just being about novel writing. I’m going to start the ‘Cementum Collective’. This is a group, a blog roll, a collective, of people who’s creative work I enjoy, and are either right at the start of their career, getting going, or on their way, but are semi-pro at most. I’ll write about them on here and encourage you to also enjoy their work.

Today is Jeremy Geddes, who’s art I’ve come to really enjoy. I like the grey’s he’s been working with in his recent sketches he’s been kind enough to share with us on his blog. Although they’re hardly sketches. Anyway, I’d suggest you check out both his portfolio site and sketch and example blog. Both are very awesome.

london southbank at night

london southbank at night