Operation Concrete

Japan:Creative – Interview #1 – Hiroyuki Hamada

Japan:Creative – Interview #1 – Hiroyuki Hamada How do you identify yourself? What makes you so, ‘You?’ It's hard enough for even the most reassured of us to answer, so, how does a country with a powerfully rich Eastern history combined ...Read More


Let's get one thing straight from the outset, Japan isn't quite as weird as everyone thinks. There are of course, a series of slightly obscure, lightly twisted elements to culture here, there are fetishes, news stories, interesting and unique services, ...Read More

Wikipedia Wednesday: Existentialism, Edward de Bono and May you live in interesting times

So, been a busy little bee on the Wikipedia front this week, reading and learning about plenty a new thing. I've got so many interesting pages saved that I'm going to do a top three, Existentialism, the Chinese proverb 'May ...Read More

The Trial of Gravity – A novel by Richard Galbraith

So, I’m in a comfortable enough place now to reveal – without sounding too pretentious – the workings of the next novel and what I want to achieve with it. Whilst my work with Concrete Operational is still in full swing, ...Read More

Starred Inspiration #5

I’m rampant at the moment, I’ve got 22 musicians, 5 artists, one graphics designer, an aloof venue manager, recording studio guy, proofing editors, journalists, boxing companies, friends, family and myself all biding for attention as the process of organising Operation ...Read More

Starred Inspiration #4

Lots going on, lots to implement and think about, lots to scratch at and tickle, lots to render down and understand, just lots of things. Last week should have been more eventful than it was, but certain messages that were ...Read More

Starred Inspiration #3

So, I’ve been strapped to my desk for the last three weeks now, I’ve revised / rewritten 35,000 words, listened to a lot of Muse, and generally have come up with a very well rendered restructuring of the novel, and ...Read More

2009: A year in domination.

2009, the future, we’re here and I have a lot of plans. I’ve been meaning to write this post for a while now, but I’ve been pretty busy. This post may ramble a bit and seem a bit self involved, ...Read More

What’s in a name? Well, a lot I’d like to argue, actually a considerable amount when it comes to both the naming of the novel and the naming of the characters contained within. But as the title of this post ...Read More

I can’t decide if the post title is a statement or a question, to put an exclamation mark or question mark at its end. This is how I stay creative! Or, how do I keep staying creative, what stokes my ...Read More