A slightly delayed Wikipedia Wednesday this week, but I've been playing catch-up, because of business and illness, so I have half an excuse. A nice cross of music, with John Cage's 4'33" composition, a look at the word Bloc, and ...Read More
So, been a busy little bee on the Wikipedia front this week, reading and learning about plenty a new thing. I've got so many interesting pages saved that I'm going to do a top three, Existentialism, the Chinese proverb 'May ...Read More
Another reasonably slow week when it comes to wikipedia exploring, but three particular pages I'd like to draw your attention to this time around, including one of the most interesting natural places on the planet, America's greatest General who supposedly slaughtered Muslims with ...Read More
Back to wikipedia wednesday. Been a bit of a slow week wikipedia-wise, generally been too busy to get stuck into a real long chain of awesome pages, but there's a couple of things I've found I'd like to share. Tao - ...Read More