Operation Concrete

Starred Inspiration – Week – 04 – 10 October

Slightly delayed starred inspiration this week, only due to illness earlier in the week and considerable amount of work work to be getting on with. Some great highlights include, the amazing You Were In My Dream website, and Stephen King ...Read More

Starred Inspiration – Week – 27 – 03 October

Another week and another list of inspirational things, I've really not got the time right now to go through all of them one at a time, but to point out the particularly interesting ones, there is stuff about Pentagon black ops, Augstina ...Read More

Starred Inspiration – Week – 13 – 19 September 2010

Another week gone, another set of links that I've found great deal of inspiration from this week. Two that stand out in particular are the photos of atomic bombs, from BLDGBLOG entitled 'White Sun' which links to the New York ...Read More

Starred inspiration – week – 6 – 12 September 2010

Starred inspiration is back. Basically links to the things that have come through my Google reader during the week and I have put a star against them, it's essentially my digital scrapbook. Enjoy. Yimmy Yayo - Photo Pony Express - Play (NSFW) Booooooom ...Read More