"So, I'm using SpinVox to blog during National Novel Writing Month which began Saturday. Which means I just call a number and talk, their computer does some tricks and I get a post in my 'pending' box in my WordPress dash board, very cool, and good for time saving whilst I'm concentrating on the novel in the evenings.
Anyway, moving on to NaNoWriMo, I missed out Saturday unfortunately. So I'm a day behind already, but I've caught up a little bit and have 4000 words now which is great. I also have, what I believe is, a very cool story to tell. I did a little planning before hand but it's all coming together now which is really cool and I think I've got the 1st chapter nailed.
To give you a little bit of insight, the lead protagonist is Push Borrows. He's part of the Saint Collaboratory Science and Military Program that works to maintain a Mist across the world, this mist stops Ghosts from killing people. The Mist is unfortunately making the people mutate and turn into Vampires and basically, it's just a big sci-fi, horror, monster, zombie, vampire, epic and it's going to be very cool, so I'm really looking forward to getting stuck in, and hopefully come out the other side with 50000 words. More of this tomorrow."
Spoken through SpinVox
One Comment
1 RG Sanders wrote:
Ooo, sounds fun.
I'm using the one where the prostitute nearly gets assassinated by a German hit-woman but gets saved and finds out she's definitely more than just eye-candy.
Is there a genre for this..?