Operation Concrete

Retrospective: An interview with Jackass’ Steve-O

So, here's a thing. A bit of an insight into what I was like when I was a student, just how great a journalist I really was...Back then, as well as being a student of journalism, I was the music ...Read More

2010 & 2011: Caution is our enemy

So, come March I’ll have been running this particular blog for three years. In that time I’ve used it twice as a sort of mechanism to consolidate what I’ve achieved in the year gone by, and what my goals are ...Read More

Wikipedia Wednesday: Existentialism, Edward de Bono and May you live in interesting times

So, been a busy little bee on the Wikipedia front this week, reading and learning about plenty a new thing. I've got so many interesting pages saved that I'm going to do a top three, Existentialism, the Chinese proverb 'May ...Read More

Muse Monday: Neil Kellerhouse

Now I came across Neil Kellerhouse the way I come across a lot of awesome creative inspiration, via Kitsune Noir. However, normally, as great as the work is that I find on there, most of it can be book marked ...Read More

The Trial of Gravity – A novel by Richard Galbraith

So, I’m in a comfortable enough place now to reveal – without sounding too pretentious – the workings of the next novel and what I want to achieve with it. Whilst my work with Concrete Operational is still in full swing, ...Read More

Muse Monday: Hunter S Thompson

Where to start with this man. A true legend of our time, he's the person responsible for me studying journalism, and finding a bit of a path in life. That path may have gone astray from time to time, in ...Read More

Not dead – Just taking a break

Sometimes life just needs to be embraced. This has been happening. Will be back soon, better and badder than ever. Richard. Read More

A slight change in direction

New year, new plans and all that - I thought I already did that post - and now for a little brain splurge from me to get some direction for all this, that is Cementum. Some quick thoughts to help ...Read More

2009 and 2010: How to maintain and dominate

This is going to be a big round-up post of what 2009 was, and what 2010 will be in terms of my personal life, my professional life, my creative life, my project based life, my novel writing and everything ...Read More

Operation Concrete: The round up

This post is long overdue, I guess I should have done this shortly after the actual launch night but December turned out to be just as busy and stressful as the preceding months and I ended up pretty much sleeping ...Read More